Monday, December 7, 2015

Envy is Green: A Poem

Envy is Green
I turn the knob to the left,
So that the water on my skin
Burns like the words within
"To the right"
My mind begs
Crying with all its might
Down to shaking legs
To alleviate the physical pain
That embodies that in my brain
From the words
I deserve
Envy takes the form of
Simply because one cannot get enough
of what they believe they are entitled to
For this is not about you,
But instead us
As a whole
And the happiness that comes from those
Who choose to bestow
Kindness & love
Instead of
Ridicule and Teasing
I'm sorry that we don't need you,
But maybe I'm not,
Because without you, I feel made new,
and with you, I'm caught
In between hating myself and
hating you
Everything was blue, always
But now it is yellow
And the skies are clear,
It's a better kind of blue
And your envy is a storm cloud trying to intrude
But today the wind is high,
And you are not going to succeed
My sails are open
And I'm in the lead